Some recent papers.

Maheut, J., Garcia-Sabater, J.P., Garcia-Sabater, J.J. Garcia-Manglano, Sofía. Solving the multisite staff planning and scheduling problem in a sheltered employment centre that employs workers with intellectual disabilities by MILP: a Spanish case study. Cent Eur J Oper Res (2023).

Eduardo Redondo, Vittorio Nicoletta, Valérie Bélanger, José P. Garcia-Sabater, Paolo Landa, Julien Maheut, Juan A. Marin-Garcia, Angel Ruiz, A simulation model for predicting hospital occupancy for Covid-19 using archetype analysis, Healthcare Analytics, Volume 3, (2023), ISSN 2772-4425

Agamez-Arias, Anny del Mar; Garcia-Sabater, Jose P.; Ruiz, A.; Moyano-Fuentes, J.; A systematic literature review of the design of intermodal freight transportation networks addressing location-allocation decisions. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, (2021), Vol 15-1

Marin-Garcia, Juan A.; Garcia Sabater, Julio J.; Garcia-Sabater, Jose P.; Maheut, J.; Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validationWorking Papers on Operations Management. Working Papers on Operations Management (2020) 11-2  ISSN: 1989-9068 

Garcia-Sabater, Jose P.; Maheut, J.; Ruiz, A.;Garcia Sabater, Julio J. A Framework for Capacity and Operations Planning in Services Organizations Employing Workers with Intellectual Disabilities Sustainability 202012(22), 9713; (2020)

Marin-Garcia, Juan A.; Garcia-Sabater, Jose P.; Ruiz, A.; Maheut, J.; Garcia Sabater, Julio J. Operations Management at the service of health care management: Example of a proposal for action research to plan and schedule health resources in scenarios derived from the COVID-19 outbreak  Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 13-2 (2020)

Saez-Mas, Aida Garcia-Sabater, Jose P.  Garcia-Sabater, Julio J. , Ruiz A.  Redesigning the in-plant supply logistics: A case study Computers and Industrial Engineering (2020)

Rius-Sorolla, G., Maheut, J., Coronado-Hernández, J., Garcia-Sabater, Jose P. Lagrangian relaxation of the generic materials and operations planning model, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 28(1), 61-104, 2020

Saez-Mas, Aida Garcia-Sabater, Julio J. Garcia-Sabater, Jose P. Maheut J. , Hybrid approach of discrete event simulation integrated with location search algorithm in a cells assignment problem: a case study, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 28(1), 125-142, 2020

Rius-Sorolla, G., Maheut, J., Estellés-Miguel, S. Garcia-Sabater Jose P. Coordination mechanisms with mathematical programming models for decentralized decision-making: a literature review Central European Journal Operations Research 28, 61–104 (2020).

Willoughby M.; Millet-Roig, J.; Garcia-Sabater, J. P.; Saez-Mas, A.; Social Investment and the causes of energy poverty: Are cooperatives a solution? in Implementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategig Lessons from Europe 10.1332/policypress/9781447347828.003.0011(2019)

Saez-Mas, A.; Garcia-Sabater, J. P.  Morant-Llorca, J.,Using 4-Layer Architecture to Simulate Product and Information Flows in Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, Vol 17-1 (30-41) 2018

Vidal-Carreras, Pilar I. Garcia-Sabater, Jose P.,  Garcia-Sabater, Julio J. ,A practical model for managing inventories with unknown costs and a budget constraint, International Journal of Production Research,  2016

L Gumaelius et al. Outreach initiatives operated by universities for increasing interest in science and technology European Journal of Engineering Education, 2016
Cortes-Fibla, R. Vidal-Carreras, PI, García-Sabater, JP Considering the effect of demand diversity on the performance of different production strategies for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem – Engineering and Systems Management 2015

Maheut J. , Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, Julio J. Garcia-Sabater and Juan A. Marin Garcia,Coordination mechanism for MILP models to plan operations within advanced planning and scheduling, Annals of Industrial Engineering”, “Industrial Engineering overcoming the crisis”  2014, pp 245-253

Vidal Carreras, Pilar I. Garcia-Sabater, Jose P., Valero Herrero, M. , Santandreu Mascarell, Cristina. Estimating Costs in the EOQ formula, Managing Complexity. pp175-184. Springer, 2014

Julien Maheut, Juan Manuel Besga, Jone Uribetxebarria & Jose P. Garcia-Sabater A decision support system for modelling and implementing the supply network configuration and operations scheduling problem in the machine tool industry Production Planning & Control, 2014 Volume 25, Issue 8, pp 679- 697

Maheut J.,  Garcia-Sabater, Jose P. (2013) A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Transportation Planning in the Full Truck Load Strategy to Supply Products with Unbalanced Demand in the Just in Time Context: A Case Study Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Volume 398, 2013, pp 576-583

Maheut J.,  Garcia-Sabater, Jose P. (2013) Algorithm for complete enumeration based on a stroke graph to solve the supply network configuration and operations scheduling problem,  Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Special Issue, 2013 (Vol 6; Issue 2)

Julien Maheut, José P. Garcia Sabater (2013) A Parallelizable Heuristic for Solving the Generic Materials and Operations Planning in a Supply Chain Network: A Case Study from the Automotive Industry. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 397, pp. 151 – 157. Springer Boston, 01/07/2013. ISSN 1868-4238

Maheut J. , Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, Julio J. Garcia-Sabater and Juan A. Marin Garcia(2013), Coordination mechanism for MILP models to plan operations within advanced planning and scheduling, Annals of Industrial Engineering”, “Industrial Engineering overcoming the crisis”  2014, pp 245-253

Garcia-Sabater, J.P., Maheut, J. and Marin-Garcia, J.A. ‘A new formulation technique to model materials and operations planning: the generic materials and operations planning (GMOP) problem’, European J. Industrial Engineering (2013), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.119–147

Garcia-Sabater, Jose P., Julien Maheut, and J. J. Garcia-Sabater. “A two-stage sequential planning scheme for integrated operations planning and scheduling system using MILP: the case of an engine assembler.” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (2012),  24-2, pp 171-209.

Vidal-Carreras, Pilar I, Garcia-Sabater, Jose P., Coronado-Hernandez, Jairo R.  ” Economic lot scheduling with deliberated and controlled coproduction” European Journal of Operational Research, 219-2 (2012):396-404

Calderon-Lama, Jose. L, Jose Pedro Garcia-Sabater, and F. C. Lario. “Modelo para la planificación de Operaciones en Cadenas de Suministro de Productos de Innovación.” DYNA Ingeniería e Industria 84.6 (2009): 517-26.

Coronado Hernández, Jairo Rafael, Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, and Julien Maheut. “Modelo Fuzzy De Programación Lineal Entera-Mixta Para El Cálculo De Stocks Objetivos”. 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, July 9, 2011 2011.V 876-83.

Garcia-Sabater, Jose P. and Pilar I. Vidal-Carreras. “Programación de producción en los proveedores del automóvil.” Revista Virtual Pro 104 (2010): 23-40.

Garcia-Sabater, Jose Pedro, Julien Maheut, and Julio Juan Garcia-Sabater. “A Capacited Material Requierements Planning Model Considering Delivery Constraints”. 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management 2009.V 793-803.

Garcia-Sabater, Jose Pedro, Julien Maheut, and Julio Juan Garcia-Sabater. “A Decision Support System for Aggregate Production Planning Based on MILP: A Case Study From the Automotive Industry”. 2009.V 366-71.

Garcia-Sabater, Jose Pedro, et al. “Batch Cyclic Scheduling With Setups in an Automovil Sector Supplier. A Case Study”. XII CLAIO Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano De Investigación Operativa 2008.

Garcia-Sabater, Julio Juan, Manuel Cardós, and Jose Pedro Garcia-Sabater. “Un Algoritmo Para La Planificación De La Producción En Un Sistema En Red De Fabricación Basado En SMA”. X Congreso De Ingeniería De Organización 2008.V 1-8.

Lloret, Jaime, Jose Pedro Garcia-Sabater, and Juan Marin-Garcia. “Cooperative Multisite Production Re-Scheduling.” 2008. 156-63.

Lloret, Jaime, Jose Pedro Garcia-Sabater, and Juan A. Marin-Garcia. “Cooperative Supply Chain Re-Scheduling: The Case of an Engine Supply Chain.” Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering. 2009. 376-83.

Maheut, Julien and Jose P. Garcia-Sabater. “La Matriz de Operaciones y Materiales y la Matriz de Operaciones y Recursos, un nuevo enfoque para resolver el problema GMOP basado en el concepto del Stroke.” Dirección y Organización 45.1 (2011): 46-57.

Maheut, Julien, et al. “El Stroke y La Matriz De Operaciones y Materiales, Nuevo Enfoque Para Resolver El Problema GMOP”. 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, July 9, 2011 2011.V 884-93.

Maheut, Julien, Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, and Josefa Mula. “The Generic Materials and Operations Planning (GMOP) Problem. A Formulation That Extends the Limits of Traditional MRP Modelling”. APMS 2011 Internation Conference Advances in Production Management Systems 2011.

Maheut, Julien, Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, and Josefa Mula. “A Supply Chain Operations Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Model With Alternative Operations.” Industrial Engineering: Innovative Networks, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management “CIO 2011”, Cartagena, Spain, September 2011, Proceedings. Ed. S. P Sethi, Marija Bogataj, and Lorenzo Ros-McDonnell. London: Springer-Verlag London, 2012. 309-16.

Maheut, Julien, Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, and Maria Valero-Herrero. “MILP Model for Solving the Supply Chain Operations Scheduling Problem With Alternative Operations Considering Delay Penalization: a Case Study of a Mass Customization Company”. 41st International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering 2011.V 289-94.

Marin-Garcia, Juan A., Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, and LOurdes Canós-Darós. “La ingeniería de organización ante el diseño de los nuevos títulos europeos.” Dirección y Organización, DYO 41 (2010): 35-43.

Mula, Josefa, Julien Maheut, and Jose P. Garcia-Sabater. “Mathematical Modelling for Supply Chain Configuration.” Mathematical Modelling. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011. 1-17.

Mula, Josefa, Julien Maheut, and Jose P. Garcia-Sabater. “Supply Chain Network Design.” Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research 1.2 (2012): 378-83.

Valero-Herrero, Maria, Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, and Julien Maheut. “AN APPROACH TO THE REAL CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CAR SEQUENCING PROBLEM”. 41st International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering 2012.V 295-300.